Adam S. Alsobrook, R.A.
Senior Architectural Historian
B.S., Architectural Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 2004
Adam is a registered architect with 19 years of experience working in both the public and private sectors. He has particular expertise in research, writing, architectural history, historic building rehabilitation, and cultural resource management. Seven of the first 13 years of his career were at the Texas Historical Commission (the Texas State Historic Preservation Office), where he first worked in the Texas Main Street Program design office. After one year with the agency he transferred to the agency’s Division of Architecture, where he reviewed Section 106 undertakings for determinations of effect.
Adam also reviewed projects under the federal rehabilitation tax credit program, state historic preservation grant programs, and state historic preservation designations.
While at the Texas Historical Commission he also worked on special projects, such as writing articles for the agency’s online magazine and working with agency historians to evaluate historic railroad-related resources for National Register eligibility. Adam then worked in the historic preservation offices of two large municipalities in North Texas before moving to Seattle in 2014.
Since he moved to Seattle, Adam has worked on several major building rehabilitation projects and also has extensive experience preparing SEPA ‘Appendix A’ documentation reports under Seattle historic preservation ordinances. He also has extensive experience writing local landmark nominations, preparing historic structure reports, writing context statements, and completing historic property inventory forms. He served as historian on the City of Seattle Pioneer Square Preservation Board from August 2017 to June 2019.
Adam surpasses the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Architecture and Historic Architecture and also meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Architectural History.
In his spare time, Adam does … more historic research! Read about it at